Foreigners take up studies on tuition fee basis. The tuition fee per one academic year is 5000 PLN or 6500 PLN (depending on the study programme).

Who does not pay for studies:

  1. A citizen of European Union, EEA or EFTA country or a member of citizen’s family living in Poland;
  2. Holder of permanent residence permit or EU long-term resident;
  3. Only in particular cases holder of temporary residence permit issued:
    • for the purposes of family reunification;
    • due to the fact that he/she is a holder of a European Community long-term residence permit issued in another EU country;
    • due to the fact that he/she is a member of the family of a holder of a European Community long-term residence permit issued in another EU country;
  4. A foreigner who has a refugee status given in Poland or is eligible for subsidiary or temporary protection in Poland;
  5. A foreigner who has a certificate of proficiency in Polish at C1 level issued by the State Commission for the Certification of Proficiency in Polish as a Foreign Language;
  6. A foreigner who has Pole’s Card (Karta Polaka) or holders of decision on validation of his/her Polish origins;
  7. A foreigner who is a spouse, lineal ascendant (parent) or descendant (child) of a Polish citizen living in Poland.

Article 324 section 2 of the Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 574, as amended)